Earth Medicine
True medicine must have Reverence for all living forms at the heart of it. Chinese Medicine knows this. Ayurveda knows this. Homeopathy knows this. Naturopathic Medicine knows this. Anthroposophic Medicine knows this. Herbal or Plant Medicine and Nutrition/food medicine know this. Various forms of bodywork including Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, Polarity therapy, Intuitive Healing, & Spiritual Healing, all know that respect for Planet Earth in its various manifestations is a key factor in how we heal.
Earth Medicine draws from the common threads laced throughout diverse medical systems across the globe where relationship to place, to self, to others, and to the natural elements that literally sustain our lives are foundational elementals for both personal and community wellness.
I apply ancient, cyclical philosophies and practices to offer support in the form of body-centered somatic work, craniosacral therapy, food, inspiration, relational healing, plant medicine, and homeopathic solutions that promise to resolve imbalances on multiple levels, from spiritual to physical.
Within the practice of Earth Medicine, I help you identify the root of your imbalance, and find effective and efficient ways to restore vibrancy again. And, in the process of finding wellness, I will teach you to forge a deep connection with the Earth, and her unlimited capacity to heal.
Merrill Page
My son likes to call me a “hippie”. His father says I’m the hippie that doesn’t smoke pot. I like to say I’m a Stanford grad who traded in pre-med for literature and graduated with a deep understanding of Medicine as Metaphor. My sensitivity to who we are, and how we think, drove me down a path of another kind of medicine.
I wanted to know what it is to really heal, on all levels. So I went another way, excavating my inner-depths while peeking behind old creaky doors of unknown places, and listening into languages I didn’t speak. Our common denominator was the body, and the spirit who inhabits it.
I studied myself. Myself in relationship to 5 element theory, in relationship to yogic practice, in relationship to somatic therapies and mind-centered ones. I did complete my pre-med studies (George Washington University) but then pursued degrees and certificates in the modalities that had healed me: Ayurveda and Nutrition, Craniosacral therapy, Polarity therapy, Medical Qigong and 5-element theory.
I found relief and understanding for who we are as human beings and how we heal from illness within these systems of medicine. Together, I see them as a whole I call Earth Medicine. Full resolution from illness and real balance are only achieved when we acknowledge the entire spectrum of the human bodymind.
In addition to resolving my own complex disorders including: Anorexia, Infertility, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Raynaud’s Disease, allergies, digestive and endocrine disorders, I have been blessed with a deep, heartfelt understanding of Alternatives in Medicine.
I am the founder and director of Earth Medicine Institute Taos, author of Earth Medicine: A Field Guide, healing in seasons and cycles, Mother of 4 boys and practitioner of Craniosacral Therapy.
Speaking Engagements
Looking to WOW! your audience with a fresh take on Alternative Medicine and Self-help? Look no further.
Merrill Page, author of EARTH MEDICINE: A FIELD GUIDE, healing in seasons and cycles, and founder of EARTH MEDICINE INSTITUTE TOAS blends her poetic nature with decades of experience and practice in multiple forms of mindbody medicine to deliver talks that delight and deepen her audience all at once. She draws from her background in women’s health, indigenous studies, literature, alternative medicine, and motherhood to serve up menus carefully tailored to her guests. Her goal: to inspire, empower and shift the landscapes of the lives she touches, leaving all who meet her wanting more.
Topics include:
Daily ritual: shifting the mind from discipline to delight
Everyday Magic: Your power to change the world around you through focusing on your SELF
Purpose and Passion- Unleashing your heart and why that matters in health
Somatic therapy? What is it and why is it called the expressway to feeling good again?
Women’s Health- how honoring your cyclical nature transforms the world.
Chakras and the endocrine system. A mysterious connection and the modern mind.
contact to inquire about rates and dates.
Follow us @omerrillpage and @earthmedicinetaos
“Empowered with knowledge, experience and passion for multiple forms of medicine and healing, I offer you support and guidance in finding your way back to true vibrancy.”