Sacred, cyclical self-care- what is it and how do we practice it?
Inspired by the book, Earth Medicine: A Field Guide, healing in seasons and cycles, these workshops offer you a fresh take on self-care. We practice making self-care a ritual that inspires and calls you home. Inside a framework I call elemental medicine we find daily practices and tools to fold seamlessly into our busy, modern lives. Together these classes are nothing less than a pathway to PURPOSE.
tools for meditation
writing prompts for self-discovery and evolution
partner work with hands-on healing
integration of current themes or personal challenges
2-3 hours in ritual circle where mindbody medicine meets simple choices in attitude, conversation, and exercises that leave you feeling better and excited to do more.
For Caregivers, Practitioners, Parents, empty-nesters and adventurerers alike
For Small businesses seeking 1/2 day and full day workshops for their teams to support wellness initiatives. Contact for availability, location and pricing details
In addition to new tools for physical, emotional and spiritual breakthrough and balance, leave feeling restored, resourced, connected and nourished.
What People Are Saying
“So often in my life I spend time in a group only to come away needing 'me' time. What a gift to attend your workshop and come away not only feeling more connected to myself, but also more available to connect with others. It was restorative, in the truest sense of the word. I left feeling deeply nourished. Thank you, Merrill.”
“Merrill, thank you again for inviting me forward to heal, connect, and participate in doing the real wombyns work. Just feel so welcome and at home stepping into such a safe place with your love, wisdom and presence.”
–female participant
“Thank you Merrill, Shana and Leia.
We may have only spent 3 hours together, but the strong residue of your care and wisdom lingers in my inner landscape; my mind catching up to my intention to let all the practices integrate, so that I can let this Spring do it’s thing, and I let new habits compost the old.” –male participant
“I just hang on every word you say. Wow. That was amazing…”. -female participant